Holistic Health and Well Being

Welcome to our Shop
Available at Eternal Aquarius is a varied selection of
Crystals (Tumble stones and natural crystals)
Dowsing Pendulums
Angel Cards
Incense and incense holders
Gift Vouchers

I have a great selection of tumble stones and raw crystals in stock. These are being updated and added to frequently
Crystals and their energy really need to be felt and handled, to find what works for you
Should you wish to make an appointment to view and discuss your crystal needs, you'll be made very welcome
Why not make an appointment now, to view our crystals
Pricing starts at £3.00

Dowsing Pendulums
Dowsing pendulums are a great asset to your spiritual journey. But like any tool its personal to you
You REALLY DO need to "Try before you buy". I can’t emphasise this enough
Buying from a picture is one thing, but really getting in touch with its energy, is another
Should you wish to trial the pendulums and find one that's right for you, you're more than welcome
Why not make an appointment now, to view and trial our pendulums?
Pricing starts at £10.00
Angel Oracle and Tarot Cards
I've a number of Angel oracle card decks and Tarot decks to purchase
Pricing starts at £12.00

Incense sticks and holders
'for those of you who like their incense. Ive a varied selection of incense sticks and holders to purchase
Pricing starts at £3.00