Holistic Health and Well Being

& Baby
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Meditation
Baby Massage Classes
Pampering for the Mum to Be
Let me help alleviate your aches, pains
and everyday stresses
that pregnancy can have on your body

Pregnancy Massage
Allow me to relax and pamper you . Getting you ready for the arrival of your bundle of joy. If you also wish to have your toes filed and painted, just let me know. I can do that for you too
Back Shoulder & Neck 45 minutes £35.00
Full Body Massage £40.00
Pregnancy Pamper Package
if you're feeling totally worn out and heavy with pregnancy.
Come a relax for a couple of hours, with our 2 Hour Pregnancy Package
​Package I
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage
Full Pedicure & Nail Polish
Package II
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage
Reiki Treatment
Package III
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage
Leg & Foot Massage
Pamper Package £55.00

Pregnancy Meditation

Come along, relax, de stress and alleviate the pregnancy pressures, for a more calmer journey, during your pregnancy.
With this 8 week course of 1 hour guided meditations
Aim of this course:
By using guided visualisation Meditation, we wish to give you useful techniques to relax, unwind and de-stress during pregnancy and prior to labour. But also to give you nurtured time and space, to connect with your baby(s)
To give you the tools to use during your pregnancy, so when your labour starts, you're able to stay in a calmer state, better for you and baby
This enables your oxytocin levels to increase (happy hormones) and your anxiety/Adrenalin levels down (sad hormones)
The Meditations and techniques, will also give you pointers and information, along with help and guidance in learning how to meditate, Leaving you with an array of abilities
These can be used to practice at home to keep enable you to feel more calmer and relaxed during your pregnancy and prior to labour
Or just coming along once a week to have a relaxing "Time out" and "Me time"
Other benefits of Meditation
- Helping with better sleeping patterns
- Enjoying your connecting with your baby
- Meet other like-minded mums-to-be due in your area
~ Leads to a much deeper level of relaxation
~ Reduces Anxiety
Leaving you and your bump, with a lovely feel good factor
This 8 Week course is payable in advance, Price £ 45.00
Group setting - one to one - online classes are available

Baby Massage
One to One

Baby Massage is great to sooth, bond and recognise your little ones needs.
These wonderful baby massage classes, are suitable for Mums and Dads, as well as grandparents, and friends
The classes are interactive, informative and very relaxing
Attending the classes has many benefits, including
Focused & Bonding time with your Baby(s)
• Help relive colic and constipation
• Promotes sleep
• Stimulates and strengthens your baby’s immune system
• Is the perfect preparation for coordinating movement and mobility
• Develops your confidence in your ability, to handle your baby(s)
So come along and learn a wonderful top to toe baby massage
There are 4 classes
These can be covered in 1 day course
or over a 4 week consecutive period
Whichever you feel is most suitable for you

Time to