Holistic Health and Well Being

Classes Courses & Workshops
Angel Workshop - the 7 Archangels
Angel Oracle Card Reading For Beginners
Crystal Grid Workshop
Chakra Balancing Workshop
Reiki Level I - IV Training Courses
Soul Enlightenment Workshop
Spiritual Awareness For Beginners - 8 Week Course
Spiritual Development Classes
Spiritual Practice - Extra Time
Tarot Card Reading For Beginners Workshop
Tarot Card Reading Advanced Workshop
Vision To Life Workshop - Setting your goals
Witchcraft 101 Workshop
Which Witch Workshop
All tools and a manual are included
For full day workshops, please bring a packed lunch
All workshops unless otherwise stated
require a £15.00 non refundable deposit
To secure your place please
go to the Terms and Conditions page

The Little Angel Workshop
An informal, fun, practical and different way, to introduce you to the Archangels and Your Guardian Angels
Amongst other information, we will be covering the following:
To become more familiar and
understanding the signs, when an Angel is around you
Their Characteristics and Roles
How to identify them
How to work with them
Other signs that your Angels are present
Communicating and connecting with your Angels
What and how, your Angels can assist you with during daily life
Two Guided Meditation to connect you with your Angelic Realm
If you’re interested in
and would like to learn more
about the Angelic Realm, then this is a workshop you’re going to enjoy
Next Course date is TBC
Time 10.00 am to 4.30 pm
£45.00 per person
Also available as a 1-1 Course
on a date and time convenient to you
Angel Oracle Card Workshop For Beginners
Angel Oracle cards, are the easiest way to gain clear answers, especially if you are stressed, worried or sensitive to the energies, of this very complicated world
This workshop will guide you through the process of energetically choosing the best card deck for yourself, clearing and consecrating the cards, to mirror your own personal energy; as the Angels are here to help guide you, in all aspects of your life decisions
So if you’re drawn to the wonderful world of Angel Oracle Cards, their meanings and how they resonate with you; then why not join us on this course, to start your Angel Oracle
Card Journey
Our resident Angel Lady, amongst other information, will be covering the following
The History
Connecting with your Angel deck - cleansing and closing
Your own reading
Developing a close relationship with your Guardian Angel
And so much more
Leaving you, with a sense of empowerment and confidence, in your daily choices
An Angel Oracle Card Deck will be provided. Although if you have your own deck please feel free to bring it along
Next Course date is TBC
Time 10.00 am to 4.30 pm
£45.00 per person ​
Soul and Spirit
Crystal Grid Workshop For Beginners
Have Crystal Grids caught your interest?
Have you a desire to learn about them and use them ?
Then why not enjoy a day of practical discovery into
crystal grids, their properties
and how you can implement them into your life
Join Rusty at Eternal Aquarius For the Crystal Grid Workshop, For Beginners
Where amongst other information, she will be covering the following
What is a crystal grid
What is a crystal grid used for
How they work
Different types of crystal grids
Making your crystal grid
Crystal care
Special Crystal Grids formats and templates
Next course is
Saturday March 15th 2025
Time 10.30 am to 4.30 pm
£35.00 per person
Also available as a 1-1 Course
on a date and time convenient to you
Soul Enlightenment Workshop
This 1/2 day Taster Workshop, is, a light and fun few hours, designed to explore your other gifts and what lies beneath
An informal and practical workshop, where you will learn and understand, more about:
Your Energy
Your Aura
Your Chakra's
Reiki Energy
How to work with a Pendulum and Crystals
And use Angel Cards
Whilst having fun and a few giggles too
Next 1/2 Day workshop is February 2024
Time 13.00 am to 16.30 pm
£35.00 per person
Also available as a 1-1 Course
on a date and time convenient to you
Spiritual Awareness - 8 Week Course
I believe we all have gifts, it’s just a case of finding out what yours are and developing them
This 8 week course, is for those who wish to have an understanding of
how we can connect with our Spirit teams and loved ones
So if you feel you're a little different, or know there's something more, believe that you may have an intuition but unsure what to do with it. You may even have a curiosity, have felt or seen something, then why not try this course.
it will give you the beginners tools, understanding and most of all, a safe place to ask questions with people just like you
Amongst many other things, here are a few areas we will be covering:
Our space and respect
Auras, Chakras and Our Energy
The 8 Clair's
Different types of Mediumship
Who are our Spirit teams
Their Energy and recognising their traits
Angel Cards and other tools
and as i mentioned , much more
So why not let your Spirit team join you on this journey
An 8 week course for Beginners. Designed to allow you, to delve into working with spirit and seeing what works for you
Next course is
Wednesday 5th March 2025
Time 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm
£ 55.00 per person
A £20.00 Non-refundable Deposit
secures you're place on the course
Also available as an 8 week 1-1 Course
on dates and times convenient to you
Singular dates for specific mediumistic practice
or a taster sessions
£35.00 3 hours
We sell
Crystals - natural and tumble stone
Dowsing Pendulums
Incense & Incense holders
Meditation Mp3's

For Reiki
Please go to
Reiki and Crystals Page
Spiritual Practice - Extra time
Need help, advice or specific mediumistic practice - book in a date and time that's convenient for you
£35.00 for 3 hours
Require a taster session, to have a trial with me Maybe see if this something for you
Please contact me to arrange Date(s) and Time(s)
£35.00 for 3 hours

Spiritual Development Classes
As with any spiritual practice , we all need practice
Coming along to Spiritual Development Class weekly. really does help.
Each week we learn or practice something different.
And have fun along the way
These run in 8 Week Terms
on a Tuesday or a Thursday
8.00pm -9.30pm Price for the Term £55.00

Vision To Life Workshop - Vision Board Workshop
Many people, myself included, take time at the beginning of the year to set our goals for the coming year.
Perhaps you do the same?
However by the time we get to the end of February or later, even with our best intentions, we’ve lost momentum and real focus
How would you like to re-start your year on the right path, by Creating a Vision Board ?
Where you’ll:
Allow yourself to explore to set intentions & objectives
Maybe making some lifestyle changes
Carving out new opportunities, for the year ahead
Gaining clarity about what’s most important to you
Identify the things you want, experiences you desire, and people, situations and feelings you want to manifest
Goal setting and or focusing on new perspectives
And Creating your own Vision Board to keep you focused on the things you want
Time and space to concentrate on yourself and your dreams (how often do you do that?)
What you need to move forward, with what you are wishing to achieve
Teaching you to focus on your goals
A new sense of passion and purpose
A new level of authenticity & alignment
Guidance, coaching and assistance
Lots of laughter and fun
All the materials and pointers you’ll need to create your Vision Board
As well as defining realistic timescales using a Vision Board, to support and keep YOU focused
Giving you
The opportunity to see your year ahead in a "unique to you," visual format
Providing you a constant, visual, reminder
The inspiration and clarity to make your year of focus. Seeing your Goals, Ideals, your Intentions clearly set out in glorious technicolor
Next course is February 2025 10.30 am to 4.30 pm
£45.00 per person
​Also available as a 1-1 Course
on a date and time convenient to you £125.00
Chakra Balancing Workshop
Within our Spiritual Practice, our Chakras play a vital and key role Including:
how we connect, sense and feel, not just in others but ourselves
However, there are times when our Chakras become clogged or muddied, through our connections and interactions, as we go about our daily lives
There are also those people that "suck the life out of us"
You know the kind. Where you're left utterly befuddled and exhausted!
​It's at times like these, we need to re-balance, re-adjust and regain our energy and power, where Chakra Balancing is a must
This Chakra Balancing Workshop, is a day of
Learning and exploration,
using different techniques of chakra balancing for ourselves.
Finding what we find most beneficial
​Allowing ourselves to Re align re-charge and feel invigorated and full of energy once more
On our day, All tools and refreshments will be provided
However if you have your own pendulum and crystal chakra set, please feel free to bring them along
Please bring a packed lunch
Next course is April 2025
Time 10.30 am to 3.30 pm
£ 35.00 per person
​A £15.00 Non-refundable Deposit
secures you're place on the course
​Also available as a 1-1 Course
on date convenient to you

Discover Your Inner Witch
The Which Witch Workshop
Do you feel drawn to the craft?
Are you a Lunar Witch, Kitchen Witch, a Hedge Witch, a Druid, a Pagan, a combination or unsure?
Maybe you’re Craft Curious and wish to try or sample the different forms of witchcraft ?
Why not combine your own personal and individual magical energy with
essential oils
herbs, food
and everyday objects to create their spells
rituals, and magic
ceremonies and rituals are practices that they hold in especially high regard. Ceremonial magic is worked into most of the elements of their practice. They likely work a ritual or ceremony into whatever they’re casting or trying to accomplish.
Or learn a little more when following the planets and star alignment to base their spells and rituals help with you practice
So if you’re drawn to the wonderful world of Witchraft, its meanings and how it resonates with you; then why not join us, on this course.
And join Sophie Taylor at Eternal Aquarius
For the Which Witch Workshop
Amongst other information, she will be covering the following
Witchery health and safety
Simple spells
And so much more
Next course is
Time: 10.30 am - 4.30 pm
£35.00 per person

Witchcraft 101 Workshop
Have you ever wanted to know how to craft a spell?
Confused as to what herbs, candles and crystals to use?
At which time of the lunar month?
It’s time to get crafting and learn exactly how to make your own custom built spell!
The secrets behind the building blocks of spell crafting have seemed slightly out of reach for non-witches for many moons! And, contrary to popular belief, there is a method and a recipe you can use time and time again to create your own magic
Sophie-Taylor is your friendly neighbourhood witch
and will take you through the journey of how to start spell crafting for yourself - no eye of newt required!
So if you’re reading the post or have been drawn to the wonderful world of Witchcraft, its meanings and how it fits with your everyday life, then why not join us, on this course, to start your insightful journey!
And join Sophie Taylor at Eternal Aquarius
For the Witchcraft 101 Workshop, For Beginners
Amongst other information
she will be covering the following
The History of witchcraft
The foundations of spell craft
All the ingredients needed for your recipe
Creating your own unique spell
And so much more
Next Course Is TBC
Time: 10.30 am - 4.30 pm
Price £35.00
Tarot Card Reading Workshop For Beginners
`It’s time to dispel the myths
Tarot within some people’s perception or the wider world, can sometimes be regarded as the occult. However, as with Oracle cards, healing cards and other divination tools, it has a history that’s not widely known
A history that may come as a surprise to you, as it follows the fool on a journey. A journey that we all go on, through this life, on the earth plane
So if you have been drawn to the wonderful world of tarot, its meanings and how it resonates with you; then why not join us, on this course, to start your tarot journey
Amongst other information, she will be covering the following
The History and myths
Mindfulness of energy – spiritual health and safety
Connecting with deck - cleansing and closing
Simple spreads
And so much more
All other tools, including a tarot card deck will be provided. Although if you have your own deck please feel free to bring it along
Next Course is
Time 10.30 am - 4.30 pm
£35.00 per person
Advanced Tarot Card Reading Workshop
For those that have already participated, in the Beginners Tarot Card Reading Workshop
or have a stronger knowledge of their Tarot deck,
but would like additional guidance
We have the perfect work shop for you, A workshop that will aid your advanced Tarot card journey
Join Sophie-Taylor here at Eternal Aquarius
for the Advanced Tarot Card Reading Workshop
Amongst other information, she will be covering the
Development catch-up
Verifying your connection with your deck
Inverted Readings
Advanced Spreads
Using Tarot cards in conjunction with spell work
Other Tarot tools
And more
Q & A
All other tools, including a tarot card deck will be provided
Although if you now have your own deck
please bring it along
Next Course is
Time: 10.30 am - 4.30 pm
£35.00 Per Person

Please go to the terms and conditions page